Tuesday 28 July 2009

I've just started considering a groovy motorbike trip for 2010

Sometimes I talk about things that really get me fired up. Right from the belly, y'know? Previous things in recent history that have had me similarly fired up are... writing a feature film, forming a Queen tribute band, Filming some short films and so on.

My latest brain spawn springs forth from my new found love of motorbikes. I've wanted a bike for about as long as I can remember, and recently, bought myself the bike I've wanted for at least 10 years, a Vamaha Virago 535. Some people call it a girls bike, but I don't care. I love it deeply.

I'm going to cut this short, seeing as this is really only meant to be a blog test, but I'll just say, that fueled by a swift devouring of the entire series of Ewan McGreggor & Charlie Boorman's Long Way Round, my love of bike riding, a long standing desire to visit Denmark and the realisation that it's a short ferry hop to take the bikes to France, i have made a quick first pass at a route plan.

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You must keep in mind that this is based on absolutely ZERO research. I have no idea what many of these places are like and will absolutely be refining it as and when I begin to dig deeper. But there you are. There's the seed. If I ever make it, this is where it began.

Monday 27 July 2009

Tharrr be my shiney mo'orbike - yarrrrrrr