Thursday 27 May 2010

Day...ummmm something

Hey there faithful internet dwellers.
It's now day ummm... what is it, Thursday? So that makes it day 4 of the TV embargo experiment. Although I've been pretty much TV free for a few days more than that.
So I thought I'd swing by and give you an update.

What do I have to tell you? Well, let's see. It's not been easy. You may recall my early enthusiasm to explore the empty spaces left behind by the absence of rapidly colour changing LCD spots in front of my eyes, but going cold Turkey has been tougher that I though. I suppose it takes a while for the routine to be broken, but I'm getting there. The urge to just hit the on switch has been hard to resist, and I can't tell you the amount of times it's just popped into my mind to watch 'this' or 'that'. But I've resisted.

Interestingly, the experiment has taken a curious turn for the worse. For reasons I'm not sure I can really go into, I find myself at home all day this week, which has effectively doubly expanded the non visuals time I have to fill.

But have I succumbed? Have I fuck.  Not a flicker of the pseudo-cathode-ray has past my quivering cornea. But WHAT, moog, WHAT have you filled your time with? Well, I'm glad you asked. A large portion has been filled with ploughing my way through books. Since saturday I've read K-Pax, Last exit to Brooklyn and half of Stephen Fry's delicious auto biography 'Moab is my washpot'.

I've also done a few lingering jobs around the house, created a new CV, exercised, (which reminds me - I should do my stretches now, or my Kirsten Dunst look-a-like physio  will be angry with me.)

Furthermore I've listened to alot of radio and done things like my washing up straight away. I think the best thing the radio has given me is an awesome jazz sax player named Ben Webster - possibly well known to some of you but to me - new. But mindblowing. go and spotify the fella right now if you're not familiar.

BUT. (in capitols to grab your attention again) the bestest thing that's come out of this is that only 4 official days in, well 3 really cos it was yesterday, I actually did some creative writing. That's right folks. I had an idea, then sat down at my computer and started writing. Its an idea for a sitcom and the first few scenes are coming together fairly well.

So I think I'm gonna call that a successful experiment so far.

I'm starting to get used to the whole no TV lark. Although I know I don't want to give it up forever, I think I'm going to make sure I have some set days where it doesn't get switched on.

Television... Drug of the nation.

peas and love y'all


Monday 24 May 2010

Day one of The Great Television Embargo.

Interesting weekend. I'd anticipated that I'd probably spend a lot of my time this weekend force feeding myself on all the programes I have backed up on my Sky box, but in fact I must have watched about 2 maybe 3 hours in total.
I think that since I made the decision to get rid of TV for a while, my brain settled straight in. On Friday night I went to my friends Ted and Sophie's for a lovely BBQ. Which was smashing. And while there I notice that Ted has a copy of K-PAX, which I'd been wanting to read - he lent it to me and I spent Saturday lounging in the sun and ploughing through the book. It was great. I don't think I can tell you the last time I read a book in a day.
Sunday involved heading up near Uckfield to spend a day helping my friend Ross out on his latest film shoot. I was bumbling around doing cast interviews and behind the scenes stuff in a beautiful bit of countryside. It just makes you wonder why we bother with TV at all.
I did  get up early today to watch the final episode of Lost, as I said I would, but when I wrote out the rules, I didn't realise that it was on at 5AM today, which is the same time as it's being broadcast in the US. So i got up about 6 and watched it, said a bientot to my TV for a couple of weeks and find myself genuinely excited to be free from the telly for a while.
So here I sit, waiting out my day until tonight when I'm going to see brilliantly brilliant comedian Daniel Kitson.
The real interesting part will come when I've not got anything planned - we'll see how that goes.

m x

Friday 21 May 2010

The television embargo

I never have any time to do anything creative. When I was in a relationship I never had any time to do anything creative, and now that I'm single, I never get any time to do anything creative.

The above statement feels true. But it's actually a load of shit. It's actually a complete lie and I try to live my life being as truthful as I can - except it seems, to myself. I DO in fact have plenty of time to do creative things, its simply that I choose to spend all my free time in front of the bloody television.

It hit me as a bit of a revelation, I mean, I know I watch a lot - but just how much has suddenly revealed itself, like a dark cloud passing to let forth a bright, sunny day. So I've decided to try an experiment in which for the next 2 weeks starting Monday, I'm not going to watch any TV. Now, this not might seem like much to some of you. I know I have many friends who don't watch too much telly, but I darned well do - and it's going to be a pretty serious adjustment for me. My main goal is really just to see what happens; see exactly WHAT I get up to. I've been wanting to write for ages, but never have time. Been wanting to play more music, but never have time. To exercise more, to read get the picture.

One thing I know is that I watch a lot of crap, just because I've been watching it so long I'm invested in it, or because someones recommended it and I'm 'waiting for it to get better', some just to plug gaps in my time because I'm already monged out (can I say that?) in a TV induced vegetative state.

As with any experiment there need to be clear guidelines... here they are.

1) NO TV - this includes downloaded programmes, DVDs, movies - anything.
2) NO TV ON THE COMPUTER - no sitting on you tube for hours trawling through clips.
3) NO COMPUTER GAMES - nope - games go too. The screen is OFF ladies and gentlemen.

There are a couple of caveats.
1) This feels like a bit of a cop out even to me, but as it happens, the very final episode of Lost is on during this period. I might allow myself that 45 minutes - for the sole reason that after 6 years investment in this show, if someone were to talk about the last episode (as they inevitably will), I'll be fucking livid.

2) Exercises DVDs. This was a tough choice. I'm going to start out saying NO exercise DVDs. If I want to do some, I'll try and get to a class or do it on my own, but if I feel I really want to do something physical and it's not possible to do it another way, this may be a solid reason.

3) WORK - if I get any editing work or need to do research for a job I will have to use screens. This will be as minimal as possible though.

4) COMPUTERS - I will allow myself to check email, and respond, but will not look at the latest amusing knick knack that got sent to me. I may write on a computer if I want too and I may also update this blog.

I think that wraps it up. My goal is pretty simple: When I come out of this experiment, I hope to have a clearer idea of two things.

1) What is it I really enjoy doing at the moment


2) What TV programs do I REALLY enjoy - and which am I watching simply to fill time.

Should be an interesting couple of cold turkey weeks. If you see me gibbering in the street, you know why.

Love ya,
